“As a rule not knowing is a step towards new knowledge.” – Laila (Sophie’s World)

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

ACT - Awareness, Commitment and Transparency

ACT - FA envisions a Freshie Assembly that is aware, committed and transparent. ACT - FA also brings the advent of new leadership that aims to redefine UP leadership that is geared towards the service of the student body, the university and the country.

Support us by liking, following and sharing us at:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UPMACTFA
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ACT_FAhttp://ask.fm/ACT_FA

Sunday, August 3, 2014

DJ Maestro

Here goes another submission for the third peer assessment in coursera.com. This is a "music machine" and it can be used to play or generate music with the synthesizer, drums and clapping.

DJ Maestro from Louie Dy on Vimeo.

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