“As a rule not knowing is a step towards new knowledge.” – Laila (Sophie’s World)

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Syllogism and Love

While I'm tired and exhausted, let me write this post about syllogism, which I think is inseparable from that hoity-toity feeling that people call love.

Basically, a syllogism contains two premises that are assumed to be true, and a conclusion. Let P1, P2, P3 and so on be the premises and C be the conclusion. Here are some common valid forms and examples:

1.      Disjunctive Syllogism
P1: P or Q
P2: Not Q
C: Therefore, P.

I love you or you love me.
I don’t love you.
Therefore, you love me. #weh

2.      Hypothetical Syllogism
P1: If P, then Q.
P2: If Q, then R.
C: Therefore, if P, then R.

If I love you, then you love another guy.
If you love another guy, then I’ll wait for you.
Therefore, if I love you, then I’ll wait for you.

3.      Modus Ponens
P1: If P, then Q.
P2: P
C: Therefore, Q.

If I love you, then you love me.
I love you.
Therefore, you love me. #weh

4.      Modus Tollens
P1: If P then Q.
P2: Not Q
C: Therefore, not P.

If I love you, then you love me.
You don’t love me.
Therefore, I don’t love you. #hugot

Syllogisms aren’t limited in those forms. There are what we call categorical syllogisms, and there are fifteen valid forms. As for how the names are derived, how validity is proven, I’ll leave that either to the books or Wikipedia. Here are some of the fifteen valid forms and their examples: (Also for the examples, assume that all that are in the subject or the predicate are nouns.)

1.      Datisi (AII-3)
P1: All M are P.
P2: Some M are S.
C: Therefore, Some S are P.

All chocolates are romantics.
Some chocolates are bitterness’s.
Therefore, some bitterness’s are romantics. (Only a little…)

2.      Darii (AII-1)
P1: All M are P.
P2: Some S are M.
C: Therefore, Some S are P.

All friend-zones are forever.
Some only-friends are friend-zones.
Therefore, some only-friends are forever. (Hence, only-friends doesn’t mean forever friend-zone.)

3.      Camestres (AEE-2)
P1: All P are M.
P2: No S are M.
C: Therefore, No S are P.

All romances are nonsense’s.
No love’s are nonsense’s.
Therefore, no love’s are romances.

4.      Festino (EIO-2)
P1: No P are M.
P2: Some S are M.
C: Therefore, Some S are not P.

No good things are tragedies.
Some heartbreaks are tragedies.
Therefore, some heartbreaks are not good things. (Does it actually mean that some are?)

5.      Fresison (EIO-4)
P1: No M are P.
P2: Some M are S.
C: Therefore, Some S are not P.

No heartbreaks are happiness.
Some happiness are beings-together.
Therefore, some beings-together are not heartbreak. (…and some beings together are heartbreak due to friend-zone…)

6.      Celarent (EAE-1)
P1: No M are P.
P2: All S are M.
C: Therefore, No S are P.

No heroes are cowards.
All lovers are heroes.
Therefore, no lovers are cowards. #preach

7.      Cesare (EAE-2)
P1: No P are M.
P2: All S are M.
C: Therefore, No S are P.

No materialisms are everlasting.
All love’s are everlasting.
Therefore, no love’s are materialisms. (Ideally speaking…)

8.      Ferison (EIO-3)
P1: No M are P.
P2: Some M are S.
C: Therefore, Some S are not P.

No relationships are forever-lasting-types.
Some relationships are friendships.
Therefore, some friendships are not forever-lasting-types.

9.      Ferio (EIO-1)
P1: No M are P.
P2: Some S are M.
C: Therefore, Some S are not P.

No romances are forever’s.
Some flowers are romances.
Therefore, some flowers are not forever’s. (That’s why cacti are better. They withstand tribulations. Relationships should be like the cacti, not the flower.)

10.   Dimaris (IAI-4)
P1: Some P are M.
P2: All M are S.
C: Therefore, Some S are P.

Some love’s are affections.
All affections are expressions.
Therefore, some expressions are love’s. (That’s why we need to take expressions seriously…)

11.   Disamis (IAI-3)
P1: Some M are P.
P2: All M are S.
C: Therefore, Some S are P.

Some moments are temporary’s.
All moments are experiences.
Therefore, some experiences are temporary’s. (Just like heartbreaks…)

To conclude, although logic isn't always the best way to arrive at an emotional conclusion, it still proves to provide good insight.

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